If forward geocoding is the process of transforming an address (or place, etc.)
to a location on the Earth's surface (i.e. latitude and longitude),
then reverse geocoding is considered the opposite. The LocateNYC API
performs reverse geocoding by taking as input a set of x & y
coordinates (i.e. latitude and longitude) and returning the nearest
address locations in NYC. Users can optionally set a distance threshold
to limit the nearest matched addresses to a radius threshold.
LocateNYC returns a wide variety of response parameters.
For reverse geocoding to an address, LocateNYC returns a full list of response parameters for that address.
Please see the Response Parameters
sections below for a full list. Many of these parameters are derived directly for the NYC Geosupport API and are described using the
descriptions provided in the Geosupport User Programming Guide (UPG). Many other parameters are created directly from the LocateNYC
API and are also described in Response Parameters section.
(string) JSON web token (JWT). An encoded token used to authenticate the user. Can be obtained by making a request to the /tokens/generateToken operation.
(string) The point at which to search for the closest address.
The structure of the point is the same as the structure of the JSON
point object returned by the ArcGIS REST API. In addition to the JSON
structure, you can specify the location with a simple comma-separated syntax.
Example: Simple lat/long
Example: As JSON using default WGS84 spatial reference
The distance in meters from the given location within which a matching address
should be searched. If this parameter is not provided or an invalid value
is provided, a default value of 0 meters is used. It's important to note that 0 meters will most likely
not provide a response, since the coordinates of the address would have to match exactly the coordinates
that were provided, so please increase this value to something reasonable.
NOTE: If the API cannot find an address (due to a variety of reasons, including an insufficient distance), the Esri standard error message
will be returned which looks like this
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "Cannot perform query. Invalid query parameters.",
"details": [
"Unable to find address for the specified location."
The well-known ID of the spatial reference, or a spatial reference JSON object for the returned addresses. WKID accepted include:
[4326 (default, WGS), 2263 (Long Island State Plane), 3857 (Web Mercator),
102100 (Web Mercator), 26918 (UTM 18N)]. Format 1; 3857. Format 2; {"wkid":102100}.
(string) The normalize type parameter represents how the address should be normalized by LocateNYC/Geosupport.
For more details, please refer to the Geosupport User Guide
The supported types are
input - (default) normalizes the provided input address
primary - normalizes to DCP primary street name
principal - normalizes to DCP principal street name
preferred - normalizes to DCP preferred street name
nycps - Only supported for on-premise Enterprise install. If this value is passed using locatenyc.io, the default value of input will be used instead. For /reverseGeocode, the default is preferred and passing input will result in preferred normalized output. Only active for input will be used instead. For /reverseGeocode, street segment, street stretch, and blockface requests
(string) Callback parameter. Produces padded JSON response. Used by Esri APIs/SDKs. Only use this if you really know what you're doing.
(string) Requested format of the response. Only accepts 'json', and the default value is 'json'.
The reverse geocode response parameters are the same as a forward geocode
using the /findAddressCandidates
operation. For addresses, specifying the normalizeType parameter will return the street of the geocoded address
in either the input, primary,
principal, or preferred format. The default
is preferred. Please see input paramters section for details.
The default normalization for the reverse geocode operation is 'preferred'. However, if users desire a different street name normalization, such as Geosupport 'primary', it can be passed via the normalizeType parameter. In the example above, the primary street name is 7 AVENUE for the entire stretch of 7th Avenue, including north of Central Park. The stretch of 7th Avenue north of Central Park is commonly/locally known as ADAM CLAYTON POWELL JR BOULEVARD, which is reflected in the 'preferred' street name. For a more detailed discussion of output street names, please use the Geosupport User Guide (https://nycplanning.github.io/Geosupport-UPG/chapters/chapterIII/section08/)
Below is a list of response parameters that may be returned in the response for the address search
function in LocateNYC. Most of these parameters are derived from the NYC Geosupport software. Some of
the parameters are returned from LocateNYC software only.
Indicates if the segment has been split by alleys, or if the cross streets named in the segment have been copied from a previous or subsequent segment because the segment itself has no cross streets.
This flag indicates either that the input address is in Marble Hill or Rikers Island and the alternative (rather than the legal) borough was specified (see UPG Chapter V.7), or that the input address is on Ruby Street in Brooklyn but it was specified using the alternative (Queens) street name 75 Street (see UPG Chapter V.8). This field was also known as the Marble Hill / Rikers Island Flag.
An atomic polygon is an un-subdivided polygon . Atomic polygons are created based on the New York City CSCL (Citywide Street Centerline) database. Atomic polygons are numbered uniquely within census tract.
Geosupport Functions:
1and 1E (MSW: Long WA2 only),1,1B,1E
Field Length:
Field Format:
8 bytes
Field Status:
This item typically applies to Addressable Place Names, Non-addressable Place Names and Vanity Addresses. This item contains the B7SC of the street segment upon which the address specified is actually located. This is the street segment that is identified by the field SEGMENT-ID and by the fields FACE CODE and SEQUENCE NUMBER. In most cases, the B5SC portion of this item is identical to the B5SC specified in the key. However, the two B5SCs differ when the SPECIAL ADDRESS GENERATED RECORD FLAG is either ‘B’, ‘N’, ‘P’, or ‘V’.
The first 6 bytes of the standard BBL consists of the 1-byte borough code followed by the 5-byte tax block field, which contains the tax block value right-justified and zero-filled. The last 4 bytes of the standard BBL is the standard tax lot field, which contains the tax lot value right-justified and zero-filled. See Chapter VI.8. The BBL (‘borough-block-and-lot’) identifies a parcel of real property in New York City, called a tax lot. The BBL is composed of the concatenation of the Borough Code, Tax Block and Tax Lot. If the property is a condominium (indicated by the Condominium Flag), the WA2 BBL field contains the billing BBL of the condominium (see Chapter VI.4).
As of Release 16D, Bike Lane has 11 codes, instead of 7. A new two-byte field, BIKE LANE 2, is being introduced. The original one-byte Bike Lane field still exists to give users a chance to update their applications. In the one-byte Bike Lane field, the value ‘A’ will appear when the new code is ‘10’, and the value ‘B’ will appear when the new code is ‘11’. We recommend that users update their applications to refer to the new Bike Lane-2 since the one-byte Bike Lane field will be deleted in a later release.
Defines which street segments are part of the bicycle network as defined by the Department of Transportation. Note: As of Geosupport Version 16.4, Bike Lane 2 is being introduced to replace Bike Lane
Left Blockface ID is a ten digit number identifying the block face on the left hand side of a segment. Correspondingly, Right Blockface ID identifies the block face on the right hand side of a segment. Block Face is defined as one continuous side of a physical block that is intersected on that side by two other physical through streets. Blockface IDs were established by DoITT’s consultants working on the planimetric feature classes for NYC and are not maintained by the Department of City Planning.
This item is the LGC (the sixth and seventh digits of the 10-digit street code) that corresponds to the NYC Board of Elections’ preferred street name for a given location.
The Browse Flag allows users to request the return of primary or principal output street names and street codes (for Functions 1, 1A, 1B, 1E, 1N, 2, 3, 3C and AP). The Browse Flag also allows users to request the return of preferred output street names and street codes (for Functions 1, 1A, 1B. 1E, 2, 3, 3C and AP).
Building Identification Number. A permanent BIN is a seven-digit numerical identifier unique to each building in the City of New York. The first digit is the Borough Code. There are also two types of temporary BINs; those maintained by the Dept. of Buildings (DOB) and those maintained by the Dept. of City Planning (DCP). The temporary BINs assigned by DOB contain the number ‘8’ as the second digit, and the temporary BINs assigned by DCP contain a ‘9’ in the same position. DCP is currently in the process of phasing out all of its temporary BINs.
The Business Improvement District (BID) field (which was requested by the Fire Department) consists of a borough and five-digit street code (B5SC). Function D may be used to obtain the 32-byte name of the BID. The ‘Street Attribute Indicator’ is set to ‘C’ for BIDs. An example of a Business Improvement District is ‘5 AVE BID’ Note that a BID may not be used as input to Function 1, 1A, 1B, 1E, 2*, and 3*.
1,1E (MSW: Long WA2 Only),1,1E(COW),2,3 (MSW: Long WA2 Only),3(COW),3C
Field Length:
Field Format:
4 bytes, numeric
Field Status:
When appended by the CENSUS BLOCK SUFFIX, this area is the smallest geographic area defined by the U.S. Census Bureau for tabulating the census. Generally (but not always) corresponds to a physical city block. Each census block is numbered uniquely within its census tract.
1,1E (MSW: for 2010 - Regular WA2),1,1E(COW),2,3 (MSW: Long WA2 Only),3(COW),3C
Field Length:
Field Format:
4 bytes, numeric
Field Status:
When appended by the CENSUS BLOCK SUFFIX, this area is the smallest geographic area defined by the U.S. Census Bureau for tabulating the census. Generally (but not always) corresponds to a physical city block. Each census block is numbered uniquely within its census tract.
6 bytes, consisting of numeric 4-digit root followed by numeric 2-digit suffix. The root subfield is RJBF and the suffix subfield is RJZF if any. If the tract number contains no suffix, then the suffix subfield is blank.
Field Status:
Geographic area defined by the U.S. Census Bureau for the various decennial censuses. Census tracts for a particular census year are numbered uniquely within borough.
6 bytes, consisting of numeric 4-digit root followed by numeric 2-digit suffix. The root subfield is RJBF and the suffix subfield is RJZF if any. If the tract number contains no suffix, then the suffix subfield is blank.
Field Status:
Geographic area defined by the U.S. Census Bureau for the various decennial censuses. Census tracts for a particular census year are numbered uniquely within borough.
6 bytes, consisting of numeric 4-digit root followed by numeric 2-digit suffix. The root subfield is RJBF and the suffix subfield is RJZF if any. If the tract number contains no suffix, then the suffix subfield is blank.
Field Status:
Geographic area defined by the U.S. Census Bureau for the various decennial censuses. Census tracts for a particular census year are numbered uniquely within borough.
A district represented by a member of the New York City Council. Consists of an aggregation of Election Districts. There are currently 51 City Council Districts.
The Coincident Segment Count indicates the situation where one road is above another road. Most streets, such as Broadway in Manhattan have a value of ‘1’ in the Coincident Segment Count. However, there are a few streets where the Coincident Segment Count is greater than one. An example of this is Third Avenue and the Gowanus Expressway in Brooklyn. The Gowanus Expressway is above Third Avenue from about 18th Street until 63rd Street. For these segments, the Coincident Segment Count is ‘2’.
3 bytes. Numeric. The first byte is the Community District Borough Code, and the second and third bytes are the Community District Number, RJZF.
Field Status:
There are 59 community districts in the City of New York, as well as 12 Joint Interest Areas (JIAs). The JIAs are major parks and airports that are not contained within any CD. Examples are Central Park, Van Cortlandt Park, LaGuardia and JFK Airports. The JIAs are the numerically highest items in each borough.
Coded Values:
Manhattan except Marble Hill
Central Park
Bronx except Rikers Island (Note: the Marble Hill section of Manhattan is in Bronx CDs 7 and 8)
Van Cortlandt Park
Bronx Park
Pelham Bay Park
Prospect Park
Brooklyn Gateway National Recreational Area
Queens (Note: the Rikers Island section of the Bronx is in Queens CD 1)
An 'address range' is a sequence of house numbers along an 'on' street between (and including) a Low House Number and a High House Number. Every address range has one of three possible parities: odd, even or continuous. An address range of odd parity consists of all odd house numbers along the 'on' street between the Low and High House Numbers. An even-parity range consists of all even house numbers between the Low and High House Numbers. A continuous-parity range consists of all house numbers (both even and odd) between the Low and High House Numbers. Most New York City block faces contain an address range that is either of even or odd parity. However, some block faces have a continuous-parity address range, usually where the opposite side of the street is non-addressable because it is a park, a body of water, etc. Some examples of the continuous parity case in Manhattan are Central Park West (the east side of the street runs along Central Park and is non-addressable, while the west side has both odd and even addresses); Riverside Drive; and the portion of Fifth Avenue that runs alongside Central Park. If a New York City block face has a continuous parity address range, Geosupport represents this range as two separate ranges, an odd-parity range and an even-parity range. The practical effect of this depends on the Geosupport function. For Functions 1 and 1E, if an input address lies on a continuous-parity block face, only the range (i.e., the Low and High House Numbers) whose parity is the same as that of the input address is returned in WA2. For Function 3, if an input street segment contains a continuous parity address range, both the odd and the even ranges are returned, in the WA2 fields called Left Low House Number and Left High House Number for the range of one parity, and in the fields Right Low and High House Numbers for the range of the other parity; note that in this case, in reality both the odd and the even ranges are on the same side of the street, even though they are returned in fields called 'left' and 'right'. For Function 3C, if an input block face is on a street segment containing a continuous parity address range (regardless of whether the input block face is on the addressable or the non-addressable side of the segment), both the odd and the even ranges are returned, in the WA2 fields called Low House Number and High House Number for the range of one parity, and in the fields Alternate Low House Number and Alternate High House Number for the range of the other parity. The field Continuous Parity Indicator indicates, for Functions 1, 1B, 1E, 3 and 3C, whether the street segment containing or corresponding to the user input is of the continuous parity type, and if so, which side of the segment is addressable.
Coded Values:
The street segment does not have a continuous parity address range
L or R
The street segment has continuous parity. In this case, the Continuous Parity Indicator indicates which side of the street segment, the left or the right, is addressable. (Left and right are specified with respect to the direction of increasing addresses along the segment)
Geosupport Functions:
1,1E,2,3,3C,1B (COW)
Field Length:
Field Format:
1 byte
Field Status:
This field is non-blank when the street segment lies along a borough boundary. The value of this field indicates which side of the segment is out of borough.
This flag indicates whether the given geographic feature segment is in reality curved. If so, the curve may be an arc of a circle or an irregular curve. When the segment specified by the input data is an arc of a circle, Functions 1 and 1E return Spatial Coordinates that are positioned relative to this arc rather than to the segment’s chord (the imaginary straight line joining the curved feature’s endpoints). When the segment specified by the input data is an irregular curve, Functions 1 and 1E return blanks in the Spatial Coordinate fields (q.v.), and issue a warning with Reason Code value ‘P’. In the case of Functions 3 and 3C, if the input data define a street stretch encompassing more than one segment (because of a T-intersection or bend), the Curve Flag is set ‘on’ (non-blank) if at least one of the constituent segments of the stretch is curved. See also discussion of Segment Length.
Coded Values:
Segment is an irregular curve, i.e., it is curved but it is not an arc of a circle
Segment is an arc of a circle on the left side of the line joining the segment’s FROM and TO nodes
Segment is an arc of a circle on the right side of the line joining the segment’s FROM and TO nodes
Identifies the local group of street names designated by the Department of City Planning as ‘preferred’ for display purposes for a specific location on a street.
Geosupport Functions:
1/1E,1/1E Extended,1B,3,3 Extended,3C,3C Extended
Field Length:
Field Format:
1 byte character
Field Status:
Not Implemented
DSNY (Department of Sanitation) Snow Priority code is used during snow emergencies. It helps DSNY to determine the snow removal schedule, routes and resources needed. The DSNY (Department of Sanitation) Snow Priority indicates the priority of the street with respect to snow removal. New snow priority codes were assigned with Version 16.4 The snow priority codes are as follows:
Coded Values:
Critical. These routes are comprised of highways (main beds, entrances, exits interchanges), arterial roadways, main travel thoroughfares (single lane and multi-lane), bus routes, that contain emergency services & first responder facilities (Hospitals, EMS, FDNY, NYPD) and schools.
Sector. Designed to encompass all streets that are not classified as Critical Streets and are wide enough to accommodate a full size DSNY collection truck with a plow attached.
Haulster. Designed to service dead ends and streets that cannot be serviced with a collection truck or salt spreader with a plow attached due to narrow street width or tight turning radius (either entering or exiting the street).
DYNAMIC BLOCK (will be replaced by ATOMIC POLYGON)
Geosupport Functions:
1,1B,1E,3 (MSW: Long WA2),3 (COW Only),3C
Field Length:
Field Format:
3 bytes RJZF
Field Status:
An atomic polygon is an un-subdivided polygon . Atomic polygons are created based on the New York City CSCL (Citywide Street Centerline) database. Atomic polygons are numbered uniquely within census tract.
A set of districts defined by the NYC Board of Elections to conduct elections. There are approximately 6,000 Election Districts (EDs) in NYC. Each ED is numbered uniquely within its Assembly District. All of NYC’s higher-level political districts, namely Assembly Districts, City Council Districts, Municipal Court Districts, Congressional Districts and State Senatorial Districts, are defined as aggregates of Eds.
A Face Code is assigned to each linear geographic feature represented in the LION file. These consist of streets and certain non-street features, such as census boundaries, shorelines and railroad tracks. Face Codes serve as part of LION keys, which identify a unique LION record. Face Code values are assigned uniquely within borough.
The smallest kind of administrative fire district defined by the NYC Fire Department. There are three types, indicated by the Fire Company Type: engine companies, Squad and ladder companies.
A node is an endpoint of a geographic feature segment represented in CSCL/LION. Most nodes are points where a feature bends or terminates or where two features intersect in CSCL/LION. Each node has a node ID assigned to it, which is unique in the entire city. Node ID assignments are permanent; if a node is deleted from CSCL, its node ID is retired and is never reassigned to a different node. A Node ID may be used to identify an intersection or the end points of a segment. An end point node is often referred to as a From Node or a To Node.
Districts defined by the NYC Department of Health and used to report statistics on births, deaths, communicable diseases etc. Health Areas are aggregates of Census Tracts.
If the field name indicates the house number is normalized, for MSW it is in HNI format, and for COW it is in HNS format; otherwise, it is in HND format (see Chapter V.2).
Indicates the length requested for the HOUSE NUMBERS IN DISPLAY format (HNDs) in the output area. Valid values are between 12 and 16. If the field is left blank, the default is 12. For more information, see Chapter V.2.
Information used by Emergency Management (previously known as Office of Emergency Management (OEM)) in emergency situations. New York City's hurricane contingency plans are based on six evacuation zones: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. The value of 0 represents water polygons and the value of X indicates land that is not part of an evacuation zone. Additional information may be found at http://www1.nyc.gov/site/em/ready/hurricane-evacuation.page
The Department of Education has divided the city into Instructional Regions which group together two or more Community School Districts for administrative purposes. (Instructional Regions have also been known as Instructional Divisions.)
Geosupport Functions:
1,1E,2 (COW only),3,3C,1B
Field Length:
Field Format:
1 byte
Field Status:
Indicates whether the input location is in a census tract that meets the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) criteria to be eligible for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding. A census tract is eligible for CDBG funding if at least 51.00% of the residents are low- and moderate-income persons (less than 80% of the Median Family Income) and 50% of its total floor area must be comprised of residential usage. All other census tracts are ineligible. In Release 19B, the 'CD Eligibility' values were updated to reflect more current data. Updated income data was provided by HUD and residential usage was calculated by the Department of City Planning (DCP) using PLUTO data (18v2.1).
Coded Values:
Input location is in a CD-eligible census tract
Location is not in a CD-eligible census tract
Location is in a census tract, the CD-eligibility status of which is unknown to the Geosupport System.(Note: This is an error condition and should be reported).
Geosupport Functions:
1A,BL,BN,1B (COW only)
Field Length:
Field Format:
Spatial coordinates consist of two fields, an X Coordinate and a Y Coordinate, each 7 bytes RJZF.
Field Status:
Note: Internal Label Points and Annotation Points are no longer used They are replaced by Tax Lot Centroid. The Tax Lot Centroid is created in ESRI’s ArcGIS software using the Department of Finance’s Digital Tax Map (DTM). The coordinates associated with the Tax Lot Centroid are guaranteed to be within the property, unlike the coordinates returned by either Function 1 or Function 1E, where the Spatial Coordinates are an approximation based in the address range of the particular street the address is on. In addition, the Function 1/1E Spatial Coordinates always fall in the street bed and not within a tax lot, and most likely will not be adjacent to the tax lot the address is in. Additionally, when using Function 1A, the same coordinates will be returned no matter which of a tax lot’s addresses is used as input. There are a few properties which do not have a Tax Lot Centroid; consequently, no coordinates will be returned for these properties. See SPATIAL COORDINATES for a description of the coordinate system (SPC) used by Geosupport.
The Intersection Replication Counter is non-blank only if the two streets intersect more than once, in which case this field contains the number of such intersections.
Coded Values:
Tax lot is interior to physical block, i.e., it has no street frontages.
1/1E Extended,all variations of 1A/BL/BN (viz. Regular, Long and Extended),1B,2W,3 Extended,3C Extended
Field Length:
Field Format:
9 bytes
Field Status:
Spatial coordinates based on the lines of latitude and longitude. Lines of latitude measure the north-south position between the poles with the equator defined as 0 degrees. Lines of longitude (or meridians) measure the east-west position, with the prime meridian running through Greenwich, England. For NYC, Latitude is always positive and Longitude is always negative. The latitude and longitude of a location are calculated based on the spatial coordinates (x,y) returned for that location. As a result, the latitude and longitude returned by the Address Processing functions (e.g. 1/1E Extended) will be somewhat different from the values returned by Tax Lot and Building processing functions (e.g. 1A/BL/BN). See also SPATIAL COORDINATES and SPATIAL COORDINATES OF THE TAX LOT CENTROID.
756 bytes total, consisting of space for 21 36-byte entries, each entry having fields for the following data items: Low House Number of Address Range High House Number of Address Range, B5SC, DCP-Preferred LGC, BIN, Entry Type Code, Side of Street Indicator.
Field Status:
The List of Geographic Identifiers (LGI) is intended to provide a comprehensive geographic profile of a tax lot by listing, so far as the information is known and space allows, all of the lot’s buildings; all of the street addresses and non-addressable street frontages of each building; all of the lot’s ‘vacant frontages’ (i.e., street frontages of the lot not associated with buildings); and any NAPs associated with the lot. The LGI contains space for up to 21 entries. The number of non-empty entries is indicated in the WA2 field NUMBER OF GEOGRAPHIC IDENTIFIERS. The types of entries that the LGI can contain are as follows (see table below)
Coded Values:
Address range. A real address range of a building on a given tax lot. There are values in the Low House Number, High House Number, B5SC, DCP-Preferred LGC, Side of Street Indicator and BIN fields. A single address is represented as an address range in which the low and high house numbers are identical.
NAUB. A Non-Addressable Un-named Building (NAUB) (see Chapter VI.3). The Low and High House Number and Side of Street Indicator fields are blank. The B5SC and DCP-Preferred LGC fields usually contain the street code and LGC, correspondingly, of the street nearest to or most accessible to the NAUB, but they may be blank. The BIN field contains a meaningful value. Note: If the NAUB has frontages on more than one street, there are multiple type B entries to represent all of the NAUB’s street frontages.
Vacant Street Frontage. A street frontage of the tax lot at which there are no buildings (including NAUBs) and to which no pseudo-addresses have been assigned. The Low and High House Number, BIN and Side of Street Indicator fields are empty. There are values in the B5SC and DCP-Preferred LGC fields.
NAP of a Complex. A Non-Addressable Place name (NAP) of a complex of buildings and/or other geographic features, usually on a large site or superblock (see Chapter III.6). The house number and BIN fields are empty. The B5SC, DCP-Preferred LGC, and Side of Street Indicator fields contain the values of these items assigned to the NAP.
NAP of a. A NAP of a building or other geographic feature that is not part of Simplex a complex (see Chapter III.6). The house number fields are empty. The B5SC, DCP-Preferred LGC, and Side of Street Indicator fields contain the values of these items assigned to the given NAP. The BIN field is non-empty only if the NAP represents a building.
Pseudo-Address Range. A pseudo-address range assigned to a vacant street frontage of the tax lot. There are values in the Low House Number, High House Number, B5SC, DCP-Preferred LGC and Side of Street Indicator fields. A single address is represented as an address range in which the low and high house numbers are identical. The BIN field is empty
Real Street of a Vanity Address. Entry indicates the street and the side of that street on which the building entrance having a vanity address is really located and for which no other address for that building exists. For a discussion of vanity addresses, see Chapter V.9. In a type R entry, the Low and High House Number fields are empty, and there are non-empty values in the B5SC, DCP-Preferred LGC, Side of Street Indicator and BIN fields. Whenever the LGI contains a type R entry, it also contains a type V entry for the associated vanity address
Vanity Address. A vanity address or address range. For a detailed discussion of vanity addresses, see Chapter V.9. There are non-empty values in the Low House Number, High House Number, B5SC, DCP-Preferred LGC, Side of Street Indicator and BIN fields. A single address is represented as an address range in which the low and high house numbers are identical. Whenever the LGI contains a type V entry, it also contains an either an address range entry or a type R entry that indicates the street on which the associated building entrance is really located.
Blank-Wall Bldg Frontage. A building frontage along a street that is not associated with any addresses, such as some building facades with no entrances. The Low and High House Number and Side of Street Indicator fields are blank. There are values in the B5SC and DCP-Preferred LGC fields. The BIN field contains a meaningful value. Note: Type W entries exist only for buildings that also have at least one real address range entry. If a building has no real address ranges, the building is a NAUB, and its street frontages, if any, are represented by type B entries rather than type W entries.
NAP of a Constituent Entity of a Complex. A NAP of a constituent entity of a complex. (The NAP of the entire complex is represented by a separate entry of type G.) The house number fields are empty. The B5SC, DCP-Preferred LGC and Side of Street Indicator fields contain the values of these items assigned to the NAP. The BIN field is non-empty only if the NAP represents a building.
iF set to 'E' indicates that the number of geographic identifiers for the given tax lot exceeds 21, the maximum capacity of the List of Geographic Identifiers; otherwise it is blank. If this flag is set to 'E', the user can obtain a comprehensive list of BINs for the tax lot by using the long Work Area 2 option when calling the same function with the same input data.
A LION Face Code is assigned to each linear geographic feature represented in the LION file. These consist of streets and certain non-street features, such as census boundaries, shorelines and railroad tracks. Face Codes serve as part of LION keys, which identify a unique LION record. Face Code values are assigned uniquely within borough.
The LION Key identifies a record in the CSCL file and relates to predecessor file known as LION. It consists of: BOROUGH CODE ( 1 byte), FACE CODE (4 bytes), SEQUENCE NUMBER (5 bytes)
A node is an endpoint of a geographic feature segment represented in CSCL/LION. Most nodes are points where a feature bends or terminates or where two features intersect in CSCL/LION. Each node has a node ID assigned to it, which is unique in the entire city. Node ID assignments are permanent; if a node is deleted from CSCL, its node ID is retired and is never reassigned to a different node. A Node ID may be used to identify an intersection or the end points of a segment. An end point node is often referred to as a From Node or a To Node.
Identifies a CSCL/LION record uniquely within Face Code. Generally,Sequence Numbers are assigned in the geographic order in which the corresponding segments occur along the geographic feature identified by the given face code. The Borough Code, Face Code and Sequence Number concatenated form the LION key, which serves as a unique identifier for one CSCL/LION record.
30 bytes, consisting of slots for up to five 6-byte B5SCs. ‘Empty’ slots contain either numeric zeros or blanks.
Field Status:
A list of B5SCs, for up to five streets incident upon a delimiting node (endpoint) of a block face or street segment. The number of non-empty list entries is returned in the corresponding WA2 field NUMBER OF CROSS STREETS AT (LOW or HIGH) ADDRESS END. It is possible for the list to be entirely empty. If the node lies on a borough boundary, the list may contain streets from both boroughs. Subject to the space limitation, the list may include the input cross street corresponding to the given node, and may include the pseudo- streets 'City Limit', 'Dead End' and 'Bend'. The inclusion of 'Bend' in the list indicates that the node is a bending point of the 'on' street, not that it is a bending point of a cross street (although that may be true).
List of borough and 7-byte street codes, corresponding to the LIST OF STREET NAMES. The number of street codes in the list is returned in the WA1 output field NUMBER OF STREET CODES AND STREET NAMES IN LIST.
320 bytes, consisting of 10 fields for street names, each 32 bytes.
Field Status:
This field is used by several Geosupport features (see below) to return a list of street names. The number of street names in the list is returned in the WA1 output field NUMBER OF STREET CODES AND STREET NAMES IN LIST. The similar names feature uses the List of Street Names to return up to ten street names deemed 'similar' to a rejected input street name (see UPG Section III.5). The browse functions, Functions BB and BF, use the List of Street Names to return up to ten normalized street names in alphabetical order as part of a street name browse (see UPG Section III.7). The local street name validation feature uses the List of Street Names to return up to four locally valid alias street names corresponding to a street name rejected as locally invalid (see UPG Section IV.5). The cross street names feature (see CROSS STREET NAMES FLAG) uses the List of Street Names to return street names corresponding to the street codes in the LIST OF CROSS STREETS (Functions 1, 1B, 1E, 3 and 3C) or the LIST OF INTERSECTING STREETS (Function 2). In the case of Functions 1, 1B, 1E, 3 and 3C, the first five 32-byte street name fields in the List of Street Names are used for the street names corresponding to the street codes in the LIST OF CROSS STREETS AT LOW ADDRESS END; the second five 32-byte street name fields in the List of Street Names are used for the street names corresponding to the street codes in the LIST OF CROSS STREETS AT HIGH ADDRESS END.
Local street name validity is reflected in the sixth and seventh digits of the 10SC, which constitute the Local Group Code (LGC). Street codes are assigned in such a way that two names for a street have the same LGC value if and only if those names are valid for the same portion (possibly all) of the street. Note that if two names are valid for overlapping portions of a street, or one is valid for a subset of the portion where the other is valid, then those names are in different local groups. In order to be in the same local group, names must be valid for exactly the same portion of the street. Conceptually, the set of all street names for a given street can be viewed as being partitioned into subsets called ?local street name groups?, each group identified by its LGC value and consisting of all the names that are valid for a particular portion (possibly all) of the street. (Most New York City streets only have one local street name group.) A LGC value is meaningful only relative to its B5SC value. The B5SC identifies the street, and the LGC identifies a local street name group for the given street, that is, the group of all names for the given street that are valid for a particular portion (possibly all) of the street. The B5SC concatenated with the LGC, that is, the first eight bytes of the B10SC, constitute the Borough and Seven-Digit Street Code (B7SC). Two street names have the same B7SC value if and only if they are names for the same street (same B5SC value) and are valid for the same portion of the street (same LGC value relative to the given B5SC value). For a detailed discussion of local group codes, street codes, and street names please see UPG Section IV.
1/1E Extended,all variations of 1A/BL/BN (viz. Regular, Long and Extended),1B,2W,3 Extended,3C Extended
Field Length:
Field Format:
11 bytes
Field Status:
Spatial coordinates based on the lines of latitude and longitude. Lines of latitude measure the north-south position between the poles with the equator defined as 0 degrees. Lines of longitude (or meridians) measure the east-west position, with the prime meridian running through Greenwich, England. For NYC, Latitude is always positive and Longitude is always negative. The latitude and longitude of a location are calculated based on the spatial coordinates (x,y) returned for that location. As a result, the latitude and longitude returned by the Address Processing functions (e.g. 1/1E Extended) will be somewhat different from the values returned by Tax Lot and Building processing functions (e.g. 1A/BL/BN). See also SPATIAL COORDINATES and SPATIAL COORDINATES OF THE TAX LOT CENTROID.
This flag indicates either that the input address is in Marble Hill or Rikers Island and the alternative (rather than the legal) borough was specified (see UPG Chapter V.7), or that the input address is on Ruby Street in Brooklyn but it was specified using the alternative (Queens) street name 75 Street (see UPG Chapter V.8). This field was also known as the Marble Hill / Rikers Island Flag.
Indicates request for Extended Work Area 2 for the supported functions. These extended work areas contain street names in addition to Street Codes. Users no longer have to make separate D, DG, or DN calls to get the street names. In addition, CSCL data is returned in the extended Work Area 2. See [Appendix 13](/appendices/appendix13/) for the Work Area layouts. Also, see Chapter II.7.
Indicates the number of street names returned in the LIST OF STREET NAMES, corresponding to the number of street codes returned in the LIST OF STREET CODES.
The number of lanes in a carriageway (roadway) that are reserved for parking of vehicles. The number of parking lanes were determined by DoITT’s consultants working on the planimetric feature classes for NYC.
The total number of lanes in a carriageway (roadway) including travel lanes and parking lanes. The total number of lanes were determined by DoITT’s consultants working on the planimetric feature classes for NYC.
The number of lanes in a carriageway (roadway) that are designated for the movement of vehicles traveling from one destination to another. The number of travel lanes were determined by DoITT’s consultants working on the planimetric feature classes for NYC.
The Neighborhood Tabulation Areas (NTAs) are aggregations of census tracts that reflect the 2010 Census. The NTAs are assigned a 4-byte code and a 75-byte name. They are used by the Population Division of the Department of City Planning. See [Appendix 16](/appendices/appendix16/) for a description of the NTA’s history and significance. The first two bytes of the NTA code are an alphabetic borough code as follows: MN-Manhattan, BX-Bronx, BK-Brooklyn, QN-Queens, SI-Staten Island. The remaining two bytes are numeric and uniquely define the NTA.
The Neighborhood Tabulation Areas (NTAs) are aggregations of census tracts that reflect the 2010 Census. The NTAs are assigned a 4-byte code and a 75-byte name. They are used by the Population Division of the Department of City Planning. See [Appendix 16](/appendices/appendix16/) for a description of the NTA’s history and significance. The first two bytes of the NTA code are an alphabetic borough code as follows: MN-Manhattan, BX-Bronx, BK-Brooklyn, QN-Queens, SI-Staten Island. The remaining two bytes are numeric and uniquely define the NTA.
In order to support Neighborhood Policing, the NYC Police Department has divided each precinct into four or five fully-staffed Police Sectors. The Police Sectors correspond, as much as possible, to the boundaries of actual established neighborhoods. The Police Sector field consists of the Precinct Number followed by a letter, e.g. 114A.
The NYC Police Department Housing Bureau is responsible for the safety of residents, employees, and visitors in New York City Housing Authority developments. The Housing Bureau Police are stationed in Police Service Areas (PSAs), each of which provides services to a set of housing developments. Note that not all housing developments are assigned to a PSA. The Police Service Area field consists of one byte that designates a PSA, e.g. PSA 3 patrols housing developments in several precincts in Brooklyn North. When an address is not part of a housing development, the field is blank.
PUMAs (Public Use Microdata Areas) are approximations of New York City's Community Districts which were developed for use with the Census Bureau's Public Use Microdata Samples (PUMS). In order to make the boundaries consistent with PUMAs, NTAs were created using whole census tracts, from the 2010 census, within PUMAs. For more information on the history and significance of NTAs and PUMAs, see Appendix 16. See also NEIGHBORHOOD TABULATION AREA (NTA) CODE
Indicates request for Roadbed information for roads that are divided into two or more roadbeds. If Roadbed information is requested for a street that is not divided, Geosupport returns the generic information. For functions 1 and 1E, the Segment Type Code will indicate the type of information that is being returned. For more information on function 3S see Chapter VII.6.
Coded Values:
Generic (non-roadbed) information requested (default)
This is a set of land use/building classification codes defined by the Real Property Assessment Division (RPAD) of the Department of Finance. If a tax lot has more than one building or land use, RPAD assigns the building class code they deem to describe best the ‘principal’ building or the ‘predominant’ land use on the tax lot. The values and meanings of this set of codes can be obtained from the Department of Finance.
This is an identification number assigned by the Department of Finance to each condominium in the city. It identifies the condominium as a whole and not a specific condominium unit.
For each BBL value, the Department of Finance has computed a Self-Check Code (SCC). This is a one-digit number computed from the BBL value using an algorithm chosen by DOF. The purpose of the SCC is to assist in validating key-entered BBLs. For more information on SCCs inquire to the information technology division of the Department of Finance. As of Geosupport Release 19C (on or about August 2019), the RPAD SCC fields will all contain blank values. In Release 19B the RPAD SCC for some BBLs may also be affected. Background information: The “RPAD SCC” values are derived from the Department of Finance’s (DOF) RPAD file. DOF’s new version of the RPAD file, now called the Property Master file, does not contain “RPAD SCC” values since DOF has phased them out. For Release 19B, Geosupport will continue to return existing “RPAD SCC” values based on the old RPAD file; however, with Release 19C, the “RPAD SCC” fields will all contain blank values.
The Volume field is 3 bytes (2-digit volume number + 1-digit character suffix). The Page field is 4 bytes (3-digit page number + 1-digit character suffix).
Field Status:
The Sanborn Map Company maintains a 79 volume atlas of New York City geography that is widely used by New York city agencies. The atlases contain approximately 6000 maps covering all five boroughs
This field contains the schedule for the Department of Sanitation (DSNY) pilot program of scheduled Bulk Items Pickup. Release 16D includes the implementation of scheduled collection of disposed Bulk Items for specific locations across the City (previously, disposed bulk items were collected in these areas on regular refuse collection. This field indicates which days of the week the Department of Sanitation will pick up recycling at the given address. See SANITATION ORGANICS RECYCLING PICKUP for the codes.
Indicates which days of the week the Department of Sanitation (DSNY) will pick up organics (compostable waste) recycling at the given address. Organics recycling is currently only available in pilot areas. In Release 16D, the pilot program was expanded to include more ‘Large Buildings (+10 units)’ (as defined by DSNY)
Coded Values:
‘E’ is used in combination with a day of the week (as noted above) to indicate that collection occurs ‘every’ week on that day.
Indicates which days of the week the Department of Sanitation will pick up recycling at the given address. See SANITATION ORGANICS RECYCLING PICKUP for the codes.
Coded Values:
‘E’ is used in combination with a day of the week (as noted above) to indicate that collection occurs ‘every’ week on that day.
Indicates which days of the week the Department of Sanitation will pick up non-recycling waste at the given address. See SANITATION ORGANICS RECYCLING PICKUP for the codes.
Coded Values:
‘E’ is used in combination with a day of the week (as noted above) to indicate that collection occurs ‘every’ week on that day.
Except for curved segments (see Curve Flag), the Segment Length is computed from the Spatial Coordinates of the segment's endpoints, as digitized in the LION file. For curved segments, the Segment Length is computed by summing the lengths of the small straight line segments that approximate the curve in the GIS version of LION; this is a more accurate approximation to the true arc length of the curve than would be the segment's 'secant length', that is, the straight line distance between the curve's extreme endpoints. In the case of Functions 3 and 3C, if the input data define a street stretch encompassing more than one segment (because of a T-intersection or bend), the Segment Length returned is the sum of the lengths of the constituent segments of the stretch. In all cases, the Segment Length has a very approximate level of accuracy only, and should not be used in applications requiring high precision.
This field indicates on which side of the street, left or right, the blockface containing the input address lies. Left and right are defined with respect to the direction of increasing addresses along the ‘on’ street.
Coded Values:
Block face is on left side of street with respect to direction of increasing address
Geosupport Functions:
1,1B (blockface information),1E,2,3 Extended,3C Extended,AP (For Function 1A, BL, BN, 1B (property level information) see also SPATIAL COORDINATES OF TAX LOT CENTROID)
Field Length:
Field Format:
Spatial coordinates consist of two fields, an X Coordinate and a Y Coordinate, each 7 bytes RJZF.
Field Status:
Spatial coordinates are a pair of numbers that specify a location on the earth’s surface. Geosupport returns spatial coordinates for an input address (Functions 1, 1B (blockface information), 1E, and AP), intersection (Function 2), and nodes at the end of a blockface (Functions 3 Extended and 3C Extended). Spatial coordinates are often used in conjunction with separate computer mapping and Geographic Information System (GIS) software to generate maps and for spatial analysis, although the Geosupport System does not itself provide users with such capabilities. Note: For Functions 1, 1B (blockface information) and 1E, the spatial coordinates that Geosupport returns are imprecise approximations of real-world locations, and are not appropriate for use in applications that require a high level of spatial accuracy. Spatial coordinates are expressed various geodetic coordinate systems, of which latitude/longitude is a well-known example. The coordinate system that Geosupport uses is known as the State Plane Coordinate (SPC) system. The SPC system is based upon the fact that, in a small enough geographic area, the earth’s surface can be assumed to be flat without introducing a significant error. In the SPC system, each state of the U.S. is subdivided into zones small enough to model as planar areas. In each SPC zone, a Cartesian coordinate system is established, with the X and Y coordinate axes oriented due east and due north, respectively, and the origin selected to be a point well to the southwest of the entire zone. (The origin is so selected to insure that the X and Y coordinates of all points within the zone are positive values.) The SPC zone that New York City is in, and which Geosupport uses, is called the New York-Long Island zone, NAD 83. In the SPC system, one unit of X or Y represents one foot of distance on the ground. A major advantage of the SPC system over other map projection systems is the ease of calculating the distance between two points. In the case of Functions 1, 1B (blockface information) and 1E, if the street segment on which the input address lies is a straight line segment or an arc of a circle, Geosupport computes and returns output spatial coordinates using a complex algorithm, a detailed description of which is beyond the scope of this document. If, however, the input address lies on a irregularly curved geographic feature (see Curve Flag), Functions 1, 1B (blockface information), and 1E return blanks in the spatial coordinate fields. Functions 1, 1B (blockface information), and 1E’s spatial coordinates algorithm produces a point position based on how the input address is prorated with respect to the administrative address range allocated to the entire blockface. In addition, the computed point is positioned slightly set off from the segment, on the side of the street where the input address is located. This offset is graphically desirable and also insures that the point will fall within the interiors of the proper political and administrative district boundary polygons for the given address. The computed point is a rough approximation to the location of the input address, intended to be used only for thematic mapping and other purposes that do not require a high level of spatial accuracy. The spatial coordinates returned by Functions 1/1E/1B (blockface information) for NAPs and Vanity Addresses (see Chapter V.9) were an estimate calculated by Geosupport. As of Version 11.2, Geosupport will use the Citywide Street Centerline file (CSCL) X-Y Coordinates. The CSCL information guarantees that the X-Y coordinates fall within the actual location of the NAP or Vanity Address. In the case of Function 2, the spatial coordinates returned are those of the LION node that corresponds to the input street intersection. Those coordinates represent an approximate center point of the intersection. In the case of Function 3 Extended and Function 3C Extended, the spatial coordinates returned are those of the nodes at the end of the blockface. Those coordinates represent an approximate center point of the intersection. In the case of Function AP, the spatial coordinates returned are those of the Address Point which is within 5 feet of the entrance(s) of the building. In the case of Functions 1A, BL, BN, 1B (property level information),the spatial coordinates returned are those of the Tax Lot Centroid. See SPATIAL COORDINATES OF THE TAX LOT CENTROID.
Geosupport Functions:
1,1E,1B (COW only)
Field Length:
Field Format:
1 byte character
Field Status:
A non-blank value in this flag indicates one of a variety of special addressing situations.
Coded Values:
The address range returned in this work area is alternative to the address range that is stored in LION for this blockface. This case arises most commonly when the input address is an old (superseded) address on a blockface on which the buildings were re-numbered at some time in the past. For such an input address, the address range returned in this work area is the old address range, whereas the current address range is stored in LION. Another situation in which this flag is ‘A’ is when the given street segment has continuous parity address ranges on both sides of the street, such as when buildings are numbered consecutively around the arc of a cul-de-sac.
The input street name or five-digit street code is different from that stored in LION for this blockface. This case arises when two street names having different B5SCs are both valid along a street or portion of a street. These are situations in which treating the two street names as aliases would result in an address range overlap.
The input address pertains to Ruby Street, a street along the Brooklyn-Queens border that has a unique addressing situation. See ChapterV.8.
The input address involves a duplicate address situation. See Chapter V.6.
The input address is in one of the neighborhoods in which the name of the neighborhood can serve as an alternative street name for the streets in that neighborhood. Two Bronx neighborhoods, Edgewater Park and Harding Park, have this characteristic.
The input name or street code corresponds to a non-addressable place name of a complex. A complex is a geographic feature that contains constituent entities that are separately geographically identifiable. Typical examples of complexes include airports, housing projects and university and hospital campuses. See Chapter III.6.
The input name or street code corresponds to a non-addressable place name of a ‘stand-alone’ geographic feature (a geographic feature that is neither a complex nor a constituent entity of a complex). Typical examples are individual named buildings, such as Empire State Building, Shea Stadium, Carnegie Hall. See Chapter III.6.
The blockface contains out-of-sequence and/or opposite-parity addresses. An out-of-sequence address contains a house number that is out of sequence with those of the immediately adjacent buildings. An opposite-parity address contains a house number that is of the opposite parity to the predominant parity on the blockface. See Chapter V.10.
The input address contains an addressable place name. Example: 2 Penn Plaza. See Chapter III.6.
The input address contains a house number suffix and is either the first or last address on this blockface.
The input address is a ‘vanity address’, that is, an address in which the street name refers to a different street than the one on which the referenced building entrance is actually located. See Chapter V.9.
The input data specify a non-addressable place name of a constituent entity of a complex. Examples: AVERY FISHER HALL and NEW YORK STATE THEATER are names of constituent entities of the complex LINCOLN CENTER. See Chapter III.6
The Speed Limit field contains the speed limit, in miles per hour, of the paved area of the input location. Speed Limit data was provided by the NYC Department of Transportation and currently does not cover the entire city. Additional data will be made available in future releases.
This field indicates on which side of the street, left or right, the blockface containing the input address lies. Left and right are defined with respect to the direction of increasing addresses along the ‘on’ street.
Coded Values:
Block face is split among two or more election districts
Block face lies entirely within an election district
Specifies the maximum length in bytes within which Geosupport is to normalize street names. The minimum and maximum permissible SNL values are 4 and 32. The default that is in effect if the application does not specify an SNL value is 32
The width, in feet, of the paved area of the street. Street Width contains the width at the narrowest part of the street. If the width is consistent along the street segment then both values are identical.
The width, in feet, of the paved area of the street. Street Width Maximum contains the width at the widest part of the street. If the width is consistent along the street segment then both values are identical.
The Department of Finance real property tax maps are organized into sections; each section is organized into volumes; and each volume consists of pages. Tax Map Section values are unique within borough
This item typically applies to Addressable Place Names, Non-addressable Place Names and Vanity Addresses. This item contains the B7SC of the street segment upon which the address specified is actually located. This is the street segment that is identified by the field SEGMENT-ID and by the fields FACE CODE and SEQUENCE NUMBER. In most cases, the B5SC portion of this item is identical to the B5SC specified in the key. However, the two B5SCs differ when the SPECIAL ADDRESS GENERATED RECORD FLAG is either ‘B’, ‘N’, ‘P’, or ‘V’.
The USPS (United States Postal Service) Preferred City Name (e.g. Astoria, Jackson Heights) is of particular importance for Queens addresses. For Queens, the USPS Preferred City Name is based on the ZIP code associated with the input address. Unless there is a special ZIP code, the following holds true for the other boroughs. For Manhattan, the USPS Preferred City Name is New York. For all the other boroughs, the USPS Preferred City Name is the borough name, viz. Bronx, Brooklyn, and Staten Island. n the rare, and unexpected, instance where there is no city name available for a Queens location, then the city name will be set to a default of QUEENS and the following warning message will be issued: GRC 01, Reason Code Y: ZIP NOT IN CITY NAME TABLE. GENERIC CITY NAME RETURNED. NOTIFY DCP/GSS
U.S. Postal Service’s 5-digit ZIP code. ZIP code may also be used as input with functions 1, 1A, 1B, and 1E to identify the borough or Duplicate Address Pseudo-Street name (DAPS).
The house number of the address. Equivalent to Geosupport/Geoclient HOUSE NUMBER/houseNumber parameter. This parameter is added for Esri reverseGeocode standardization.
LocateNYC locator name. This is the internal locator that was used to locator the coordinates. This parameter is added for Esri reverseGeocode standardization.
The type of address that was returned in the reverse geocode. This will be 'PointAddress' if an address point locator was used. It will be 'StreetAddress' if an address interpolation was used. This parameter is added for Esri reverseGeocode standardization.
The normalize type is represents how the address should be normalized by LocateNYC/Geosupport. The options include 'input', 'primary', 'principal', 'preferred', and 'nycps' (not available in locatenyc.io, only on premise).
Match score. Indicates strength of match with 100 being the highest and 0 being the lowest (no match). This parameter is added for Esri reverseGeocode standardization
This indicates the Projected Coordinate System or the Geographic Coordinate System used to locate geographic features in the map. For a list of projected coordinate systems please see https://developers.arcgis.com/rest/services-reference/projected-coordinate-systems.htm. For a list of geographic coordinate systems please see https://developers.arcgis.com/rest/services-reference/geographic-coordinate-systems.htm
This indicates the Projected Coordinate System or the Geographic Coordinate System used to locate geographic features in the map. For a list of projected coordinate systems please see https://developers.arcgis.com/rest/services-reference/projected-coordinate-systems.htm. For a list of geographic coordinate systems please see https://developers.arcgis.com/rest/services-reference/geographic-coordinate-systems.htm. Identifies the current wkid value associated with the same spatial reference. For example a WKID of '102100' (Web Mercator) may have a latestWKid of '3857' since '102100' is deprecated.