Please give credit, where credit is due.
Effective date: December 27, 2018
Last Update Date: February 7, 2019
LocateNYC was built, in part, using a variety of open source data and software. Using these underlying sources often requires certain usage rights and attribution to be followed. Additionally, DVG has our own requirements that you must follow. As a user of DVG's services it is your (and ours) legal duty to follow any/all of these guidelines.
If you are using DVG's LocateNYC service(s), you should include the following attribution statement:
© DVG & NYC Open Data.
Attribution should appear in a place that is reasonable, given the implementation of LocateNYC. For example, if you are using LocateNYC within a map search widget, attribution should be placed within or adjacent to the map. The placeholder text within the Search widget should be "LocateNYC Search", or "Search LocateNYC".
© <a href="">DVG</a> & <a href="">NYC Open Data</a>